Full-featured open source testing framework

Why Test Junkie?

Advanced Optimization

Extensive toolkit of configurable and intuitive options. Optimize and scale execution of tests - exactly the way you want it!

Beautiful Reports

Built-in HTML, XML, and JSON reports. Test Junkie takes reporting seriously so you can make decisions based on meaningful data.

Powerful CLI

A whole suite of CLI commands that empowers. Execute, audit and configure tests with-in the comfort of your favorite terminal.

Structured Tests

Test Junkie promotes consistency, readability, and Object Oriented Programming through its suite definitions.

monkik & mynamepong - thanks for the icons!

Write intelligent tests

test junkie is a power house that can do it all

  1. Parallel test execution
  2. Multi-layer parametrization
  3. Conditional retries
  4. Event listeners
  5. Tagging
  6. Metadata
  7. Prioritization
  8. Conditional skips
  9. Group rules
  10. Auditing
  11. Reporting
  12. Code coverage

People have said nice things.
