PART 2: creating wrapper for the ui elements



Create a wrapper to abstract WebDriver API and generalize operations on UI elements.


I'm going to provide the code snippet bellow for the wrapper object. Feel free to copy-paste the code into the file. I wont be explaining what each method does as it is documented in the code and the code itself is very straight forward. Besides, you made it through part 1, you wont have any issues understanding this.

# coding=utf-8
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait

from src.pages.Browser import Browser

class UiObject:

    def __init__(self, by, locator, **kwargs):

        self.__by = by
        self.__locator = locator
        self.__web_element = kwargs.get("web_element", None)

    def from_web_element(web_element):
        If you want to initiate UiObject from a WebElement:
        aka return of driver.find_element(By.SOMETHING, "//something")
        Use this method.
        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :return: UiObject object instance
        return UiObject(by=None, locator=None, web_element=web_element)

    def get_element(self, wait=10):
        Will use WebDriver to locate element in the DOM
        :param wait: INT, If the element is not present on the page at
                          the time of this call, how long you want to wait for it
        :return: WebElement object
        if self.__web_element:
            return self.__web_element
        return Browser.get_driver().find_element(, self.locator)

    def get_elements(self, wait=10):
        Will use WebDriver to locate elements in the DOM
        :param wait: INT, If the element is not present on the page at
                          the time of this call, how long you want to wait for it
        :return: LIST of WebElement objects
        if self.__web_element:
            return [self.__web_element]
        return Browser.get_driver().find_elements(, self.locator)

    def locator(self):
        :return: STRING, locator this object was initialize with
        return self.__locator

    def by(self):
        :return: STRING, By ID this object was initialize with aka By.XPATH or By.ID
        return self.__by

    def exists(self, wait=1):
        :param wait: INT, seconds to wait before returning verdict
        :return: BOOLEAN, if object currently exists in the DOM
            WebDriverWait(Browser.get_driver(), wait).until(
                EC.presence_of_element_located((, self.locator)))
            return True
            return False

    def visible(self, wait=1):
        :param wait: INT, seconds to wait before returning verdict
        :return: BOOLEAN, if object is currently visible on the page
            WebDriverWait(Browser.get_driver(), wait).until(
                EC.invisibility_of_element_located((, self.locator)))
            return False
            return True

    def clickable(self, wait=1):
        :param wait: INT, seconds to wait before returning verdict
        :return: BOOLEAN, if object exists in the DOM
            WebDriverWait(Browser.get_driver(), wait).until(
                EC.element_to_be_clickable((, self.locator)))
            return True
            return False

    def wait_to_appear(self, wait=10):
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        :return: self (UiObject)
        if self.exists(wait):
            return self
        raise AssertionError("Locator did not appear: {} in {} seconds!"
                             .format(self.locator, wait))

    def wait_to_disappear(self, wait=10):
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to disappear
        :return: self (UiObject)
        if not self.visible(wait):
            return self
        raise AssertionError("Locator did not disappear: {} in {} seconds!"
                             .format(self.locator, wait))

    def wait_to_be_clickable(self, wait=10):
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to be click-able
        :return: self (UiObject)
        if self.clickable(wait):
            return self
        if self.exists():
            raise AssertionError("Locator did not become click-able: {} in {} seconds"
                                 .format(self.locator, wait))
        raise AssertionError("Locator does not exist: {}".format(self.locator))

    def get_text(self, encoding=None, wait=10):
        :param encoding: STRING, aka "utf-8", if encoding is provided, the text will be
                                 automatically encoded and returned to the caller
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        :return: STRING, text value
        text = self.get_element(wait).text
        return text.encode(encoding) if encoding else text

    def set_text(self, value, wait=10):
        :param value: STRING, text value to type on the element
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        :return: STRING, text value
        return self

    def press_key(self, key, use_ac=False, wait=10):
        :param key: STRING, special key code aka Keys.ENTER
        :param use_ac: BOOLEAN, if you want to use ActionChains for this operation
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        :return: self (UiObject)
        if use_ac:
        return self

    def get_attribute(self, value, wait=10):
        :param value: STRING, aka "class" or "name" etc
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        :return: STRING, attribute value as text
        return self.get_element(wait).get_attribute(value)

    def click(self, use_ac=False, wait=10):
        :param use_ac: BOOLEAN, if you want to use ActionChains for this operation
        :param wait: INT, how long you want to wait for the element to appear
        if use_ac:
        return self
Just looking at the method names you already figured out that this class allows you to interact with DOM elements. I tried to minimize the number of methods to what is needed for this class to allow me to test my website and to get the scope across as well. However, it can be expanded to have more functionality. Just remember, when you decide to add more functionality to the UiObject class, that it only deals with the DOM elements and the scope of functionality should not be expanded beyond that.


Again, I will use Google to test this out but this time I'm going to run queries on the UI and submit them using ENTER or a good ol mouse click on the search icon. This way you can see UiObject in action and how much cleaner the code looks when we use this wrapper.

from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from random import randint
import time

search_field = UiObject(By.NAME, "q")
search_icon = UiObject(By.XPATH, "//button[@jsname = 'Tg7LZd']")

driver = Browser.get_driver()

for query in ["test automation with Test Junkie",
              "Test Junkie with Selenium WebDriver",
              "Test Junkie tutorials"]:
    if not search_icon.exists():
    time.sleep(randint(1, 5))
Now we are ready to start creating Page Objects! Next >>
